the Coaching Studio
Lively conversations with Coaches and those creating an impact in the world of coaching. Get to know them, listen to their journey, and discover what wisdom they would offer you about being a better coach. Episodes come out twice a month.
the Coaching Studio
the Coaching Studio with Guest Gideon Culman, MCC
On this episode of the Coaching Studio, I am thrilled to introduce you to Gideon Culman, MCC. Someone who I consider a good friend. I thoroughly enjoyed this thoughtful conversation with Gideon as we launch grenades into ideas about non-judgment and explore the idea of skillfully cultivated ignorance. Join me as we consider how our world is created and impacted by how we show up as a coach.
Gideon received his MCC in 2020. He brings a deeply thoughtful style and curiosity into his coaching. Gideon believes that embracing curiosity is essential to creating the world we want. Life today is accelerating at a ferocious clip. The stability, predictability, and certainty that we may have taken for granted are falling away. The more tightly we cling to a fleeting world order we once knew, the more fluidly it seems to slip through our fingers. Stepping back and taking in the impact of the volatility that greets us at every turn can take our breaths away. Rising to the occasion of life in a rapidly evolving world and our exceedingly demanding roles in it leaves us with no choice but to grow and change.
Learn more about Gideon Culman, MCC, by visiting his Website K-Street Coaching
Find Gideon Culman, MCC, on LinkedIn
Check out his Podcast Master Coach Collection
And learn more about Lego Serious Play
Read the transcript and find other links here.
Host: Lyssa deHart, LICSW, MCC, BCC
Music: Frolic by Harrison Amer
Production Editing: Lyssa deHart
Social Media and Communications: Michele Logan